Sunday, 31 January 2010

here you shall find me

..for the next 50 odd days at least. after sifting through this pretty lot I can dedicate some serious time to final cut and perhaps have something that could be justified as a showreel...fingers crossed.
goodbye society...ill see you on the other side.

Saturday, 30 January 2010


has a weird, dark sense of humour you a glimpse,a moment of what could/should/would have been...before changing its meandering course and seeking out the next lightbulb moment to aim at you. iF you're too slow to catch it...the bulb will drop and shatter into 10's of tiny fragments of doubt and pointless yearning at what you have missed. but in those moments, when the lightbulb is caught safetly in your mind, that amazing glow will light up your eyes enough to make them sparkle with inspiration.
yes....fATE has a weird, dark sense of humour sometimes.
here are some lightbulbs.