Scotlands shore seemed to be calling me stronger than ever-but having booked flights to australia with the amazingness that is miss slorch-the pennies and my bank kicked me back into reality forbidding me to go.
knowing theres waves and knowing you cant reach them, that some barrel may go unnoticed or an ars may well have not happened is possibly the most frustrating feeling in the world. Luckily the zion team and mr's wilson and smith made sure they were documented. check out the boogtique site to see the results.
I turned my thoughts to the lands of faraway and decided to remind myself -and show stacey- how amazing it is over there. and so put together a little clip of my 6 weeks over there.having never used final cut before it took a fair while. the music used was a track that for some reason my ipod played at least 3 times a day while I was over there.
looking back through the footage reminded me of all the little incidents that had slipped my memory. I realised that in those 6 weeks i had learnt some valuable lessons. heres a few of them. can get sunburnt at 7am.very sunburnt.and if your at dbah it will only be one your left hand side, giving you a lovely phantom of the opera style tan line.

2.mike stewart will always make a barrel...always. is hard to run up sand dunes when they are the size of mountains.

5. there are alot and i mean alot of mouses in the desert. their favourite foods include bits of onion, eyebrows and vans shoes.
6.never ever discuss wolf creek when you are in the desert of south oz, specially as you may drive past a house decorated in animal skulls, or meet a creepy old man as your collecting firewood 2 hours from the nearest anything.
7.if you get out of a truck to change drivers and go for a pee- always take your phone-incase the people your with dont realise your not in the back of the truck and drive off. ants suck.fact.
9.never buy a car named matter how much of a legend it is.
10.beetroot tastes loads better in australia.