Saturday 12 January 2013

dads case.

A while back, during a quarterly ruthless clear out session, my dad came across his old navy suitcase and brought it in to show me before it began its inevitable journey to the dump.
Now as a lover of junk and all deserted things, these parental clear out sessions are particularly traumatic. This often leads me to beg and plead with my dad, to become the voice of the silent forgotten, hopefully reminding him of the memories created them. The result will go one of two ways. The first is probably the reason that my room appears to be shrinking, as I find myself inheriting the items. The other grants me a multitude of funny looks from people at the local refuse site, as I whisper 'sorry' to boxes and bags before dropping their resting place...the skip.
Dads suitcase, he explained, had been to faraway lands, travelled the seven seas and had seen more wonders of the world than most people in a lifetime. With every story the fell from his mouth, my dads reluctance to part with the case was blindingly obvious. But, it had passed its usefulness date and the only way to save it was to find it a new purpose and so, on one sunny weekend, we made even has a hidden place for me to keep other members of my forgotten collection.

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